Aaron/He/Him/19/ISTP 5w6

My name's Aaron, or call me Amon either is fine.
I'm usually laid-back and sarcastic for the most part, but I'm comfortable and goofy with people I'm exceptionally close with.
I'm also not that active since I try to limit my time on social media as much as possible.
You can find me any of these places:

Basic dnfi criteria:
-don't be racist
-don't be homophobic, transphobic, etc
-don't shitfling hate or anything of the sort.

I'm a fighting game nerd. It's in my blood. I've always loved fighting games ever since I was young and the games I play are:
DBFZ: Hit/SSB Goku/DBS Broly
BlazBlue/BBTAG: Ragna/Akatsuki
UNIST: Linne, Merkava
GBFV: Djeeta, Cagliostro
UMVC3: Vergil, Wolverine, Deadpool
Melty Blood: Kohaku
SFV: Juri, Sakura
Tekken 7: Jin, Hwoarang
My PSN is doubleaamon if you wanna add me.

My main interests are Dragon Ball, fighting games, FMAB, JJBA, Devil May Cry, Persona, SMT, BlazBlue, HxH, YYH, Chainsaw Man, Soul Eater, Hellsing, Burn The Witch, Bleach and Berserk.